Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Caring for your storm-damaged trees

We found a fantastic article on titled, "Caring for your storm-damaged trees" which offers advice on how to treat your trees after storm conditions. With the Summer in full swing, the great weather is here but along with the heat and humidity can come stormy weather. The article recognizes this and offers tips on how to deal with your trees in the aftermath of stormy conditions. Click here to read the article or begin below.

"Caring for your storm-damaged trees"
By Jessa Kokett

Enjoying the warm weather is one of they many perks of summer. These glory days bring many great opportunities to the people of Minnesota, such as spending time at the lakes, camping and gardening.

Unfortunately, heat and humidity often lead the way to severe weather. Summer storms have proved to be just as damaging as some of the blizzards we experience.

After a storm, you may find "old oaky" to have lost branches or even the whole tree to be completely uprooted. This sight may be very stressful for some.

Here are some instructions as to what to do next.

Click here to read the entire article...

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