Monday, November 4, 2013

Brace Your Trees For The Winter

Like it or not the cold and snow of winter is quickly approaching. Just like you must wear a winter jacket and gloves, trees need a few necessities too in order to stay healthy too. The folks at How Stuff Works have provided us with some great tips about how to prepare our trees for the winter and keep them safe. See full article here or begin below.

"Preparing Evergreens and Shade Trees for Winter"

By: C. Colston Burrell

Wrap the trunk of thin-barked trees, most notably fruit trees, in winter to help keep the bark from splitting. Tree wraps and firmer plastic tree guards can also discourage rabbits and rodents from chewing on the bark and can prevent accidental damage from mowers.

Remove the tree wrap in the spring so it won't get too tight on the swelling trunk or provide a hiding place for pests.

Read full article here.

1 comment:

  1. Great! Excellent post. Thanks for sharing the post. Never ever read this type of guidelines for the safety of the tree. If you are looking for tree services Perth please contact us.
