Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day - April 22nd - Likes For Trees

Earth day is here meaning Monster Tree's Likes For Trees campaign has finished, and it did so in a strong and successful manner. Monster Tree began their Likes For Trees campaign on April 9th and for the following 13 days counting down to April 22nd posted share-able images for Facebook fans to Like and Share. For Every 10 likes one of these images received, Monster Tree would plant a tree.

The first image posted on April 9th was shared by our friends over at National Home Gardening Club which resulted in the image being shared over 800 times around Facebook and sparking an influx of reach on our Facebook page. From then on, people were aware of the Likes For Trees campaign and what message we were trying to promote. We have had an extremely positive response throughout with our images everyday been successfully liked and shared by our fans. So we want to take this opportunity to thank one and all for participating in our Likes For Trees campaign and for making it a success.

Check on our Facebook page to keep up to date with our progress and to see the trees we plant once we're finished tallying up your likes.


  1. I'm guessing there is some poetic justice in having to get tree services on Earth day, just a little hunch. Though its not as big of a deal here in Edmonton as it is in places in the U.S.

  2. Regarding the tree rings, how age is determined by counting the tree rings?
    tree removal vancouver
