Monday, March 25, 2013

Cherry Blossom Festivals Greet Spring

We here at Monster Tree are ready for Spring and we've found a great article to get us in the mood for when Spring really sets in. The article was found on titled, "Cherry Blossom Festivals Greet Spring". The article looks cherry blossoms; trees typically associated with being early adopters and how they mark the beginning of Spring. The article also lists three cherry blossom festivals around the US for people to visit. Click here to read the article of check it out below.

"Cherry Blossom Festivals Greet Spring"
By Christine Sarkis

Nothing says Spring quite like cherry blossoms. They're bold early adopters, ready to stride out into the still-chilly days and proclaim the change of season with a fantastic display of blooms. We appreciate that, and so in the spirit of the season, we've rounded up three great cherry blossom festivals in the U.S...

Click here to read the entire article.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Grow Oxalis Shamrock Plant

In honor of the upcoming St. Patricks Day we have found a great article on titled, "How to Grow Oxalis Shamrock Plant". The article looks at the Oxalis plant itself who has been given the nickname of a Shamrock plant because of it's distinguishable features and takes us through the process of how to prepare and grow our very own Oxalis shamrock plant. Click here to check out the article or begin reading below.

"How to Grow Oxalis Shamrock Plant"

How to Grow Oxalis Shamrock Plant thumbnail

Oxalis is often called a Shamrock Plant because it has three leaves like a shamrock. There are many different species of a plant, and the green plant with white or pink flowers grows well in Zone 8 or Central Texas.
Oxalis is reasonably easy to grow and multiplies on its own for care-free propagation of this great perennial flowering plant. If you like gardening or growing perennial flowers, Oxalis is a good choice in most climates.

Click here to read the entire article.